Cara Memperbesar Gambar dengan CSS | Buku Catatan si Ugi

CSS Smart Image Enlarger Ini merupakan mempembesar gambar dengan berbasis CSS, yang memungkinkan Anda menampilkan thumbnail gambar dan mengubah ukuran/ dimensi aslinya, dimana ketika mouse gulirkan atasnya. Selain itu sebuah deskripsi tekstual juga dapat ditampilkan di bawah gambar hasil pembesaran tersebut.


(Letakan cursor diatas gambar...)
Cara Memasang CSS Smart Image Enlarger
  • Langkah Pertama:
Tambahkan CSS berikut ini diatas kode </head>.

<style type="text/css">

/* smart image enlarger starts here */
/* If your images are not linking to other pages leave the links as <a href="#nogo"> Otherwise enlarger won't work in IE6 */

.ienlarger {
float: left;
clear: none; /* set to left or right if needed */
padding-bottom: 5px; /* space between thumbs. Don't change this to margin */
padding-right: 5px; /* space between thumbs and wrapping text when there is any text around it */

.ienlarger a {
text-decoration: none;
/* add cursor:default; to this rule to disable the hand cursor */

.ienlarger a:hover{ /* don't move this positioning to normal state */

.ienlarger span img {
border: 1px solid #FFFFFF; /* adds a border around the image */
margin-bottom: 8px; /* pushes the text down from the image */

.ienlarger a span { /* this is for the large image and the caption */
position: absolute;
color: #FFCC00; /* caption text colour */
text-decoration: none;
font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;
font-size: 13px; /* caption text size */
background-color: #000000;
font-weight: bold;
padding-top: 10px;
padding-right: 10px;
padding-bottom: 13px;
padding-left: 10px;

.ienlarger img { /* leave or IE puts a border around links */
border-width: 0;

.ienlarger a:hover span {
top: 50px; /* means the pop-up's top is 50px away from thumb's top */
left: 90px; /* means the pop-up's left is 90px far from the thumb's left */
z-index: 100;

/* If you want the pop-up open to the left of thumb, remove the left: 90px; and add
right: 90px; This would mean the right side of the pop-up is 90px far from the right side of thumb */

/* If you want the pop-up open above the thumb, remove the top: 50px; and add
bottom: 50px; This would mean the bottom of the pop-up is 50px far from the bottom of thumb */

/* add cursor:default; to this rule to disable the hand cursor only for the large image */

.resize_thumb {
width: 150px; /* enter desired thumb width here */
height : auto;

/* smart image enlarger ends here */


  • Langkah Kedua:
Pasang kode HTML berikut ini untuk membuat CSS Smart Image Enlarger, letakan pada <body> halaman site anda.

<div class="ienlarger"><a href=""><img src="" alt="thumb" class="resize_thumb" /><span>
<img src="" alt="large" /><br />
Some text can go here.</span></a></div>

2 komentar:

Catatan :

Untuk menyisipkan gambar kedalam komentar, gunakan tag : [img]URL_Gambar[/img]
atau <i rel="image">URL_Gambar</i>
Untuk Video Youtube : [youtube]URL_Video[/youtube]
atau <i rel="youtube">URL_Video</i>
Untuk "Kutipan", gunakan : [blockquote]Kutipan_Anda[/blockquote]
atau <b rel="quote">Kutipan_Anda</b>
Untuk menyisipkan Kode: [code]KODE[/code]
atau <i rel="code">KODE</i>
atau <i rel="pre">KODE</i>
Dan untuk menyisipkan smiles/ emoticon, lihat kode Emoticon


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