Cara Membuat Rich HTML Ticker | Buku Catatan si Ugi

Rich HTML Ticker adalah sebuah Ticker sederhana dengan gaya rotasi atau putar yang dapat menampilkan bermacam macam konten, baik berupa gambar maupun text kedalamnya.

Isi ticker bisa didefinisikan inline dari halaman, atau dalam file eksternal dan diambil menggunakan Ajax. Ticker ini dapat dijeda saat onMouseOver.

Session cookies dapat memperlihatkan pesan terakhir dalam ticker, saat melakukan reload pada halaman.


Ajax (XMLHttpRequest) reference

A comprehensive, one page section on Ajax (XMLHttpRequest object) has just been added to the JavaScript Reference.
Performing GET and POST requests using Ajax

This tutorial explains Ajax frankly and gently, while also covering the important topics of fetching XML and JSON files using Ajax.
Animated Outline Menu

This is a sleek drop down menu that can be associated with any "anchor" link on the page. As it drops down or contracts an animated "outline" effect is applied for good measure.
Sorting an JavaScript array using array.sort()

See how to harness the sort method of JavaScript to sort an array alphabetically, numerically, or even shuffle the array elements.

Cara Memasang Rich HTML Ticker

Langkah Pertama:

Copy kode CSS dan Javascript berikut ini tepat diatas kode </head>

<style type='text/css'>

.tickerstyle{width:200px; height:180px; border:1px solid black; background:lightyellow; padding:8px; overflow:hidden;}

.messagediv{display: none;background:lightyellow}


<script type='text/javascript'>
* Rich HTML Ticker- by JavaScript Kit (
* Freeware. Created Sept 13th, 08'
* This credit must stay intact for use

var richhtmlticker={
loadingtext: '<em>Fetching Ticker Contents. Please wait...</em>', //Loading text if content is being fetched via Ajax

getajaxcontent:function($, config){
url: config.msgsource,
config.$ticker.html('Error fetching content.<br />Server Response: '+ajaxrequest.responseText)

if (config.$ticker.get(0)._hoverstate=="over"){
setTimeout(function(){richhtmlticker.rotate(config)}, config.rotatespeed)
config.$messages.eq(config.currentmsg).fadeOut(config.animateduration, function(){
config.currentmsg=(config.currentmsg<config.$messages.length-1)? config.currentmsg+1 : 0
config.$messages.eq(config.currentmsg).fadeIn(config.animateduration, function(){
setTimeout(function(){richhtmlticker.rotate(config)}, config.rotatespeed)

var re=new RegExp(Name+"=[^;]+", "i") //construct RE to search for target name/value pair
if (document.cookie.match(re)) //if cookie found
return document.cookie.match(re)[0].split("=")[1] //return its value
return null

setCookie:function(name, value){
document.cookie = name+"="+value

config.currentmsg=Math.min(parseInt(richhtmlticker.getCookie( || 0), config.$messages.length-1)
setTimeout(function(){richhtmlticker.rotate(config)}, config.rotatespeed)
$(window).bind('unload', function(){richhtmlticker.cleanup(config)})

if (config.$ticker.length==0)
if (config.msgsource=="inline"){

this.setCookie(, config.currentmsg)

} //end richhtmlticker object

//////////// Declare instance of Rich HTML Ticker (invoked when page has loaded): ///////////////////////////

id: "myhtmlticker", //main ticker DIV id
msgclass: "messagediv", //CSS class of DIVs containing each ticker message
msgsource: "inline", //Where to look for the messages: "inline", or "path_to_file_on_your_server"
rotatespeed: 3000, //pause in milliseconds between rotation
animateduration: 1000 //duration of fade animation in milliseconds

Langkah Kedua:

Lalu Copy kode html berikut ini dimanapun anda ingin memasangnya.
<div id="myhtmlticker" class="tickerstyle">

<div class="messagediv">
<b><a href="">Ajax (XMLHttpRequest) reference</a></b><br />
A comprehensive, one page section on Ajax (XMLHttpRequest object) has just been added to the JavaScript Reference.

<div class="messagediv">
<b><a href="">Performing GET and POST requests using Ajax</a></b><br />
This tutorial explains Ajax frankly and gently, while also covering the important topics of fetching XML and JSON files using Ajax.

<div class="messagediv">
<b><a href="">Animated Outline Menu</a></b><br />
This is a sleek drop down menu that can be associated with any "anchor" link on the page. As it drops down or contracts an animated "outline" effect is applied for good measure.

<div class="messagediv">
<b><a href="">Sorting an JavaScript array using array.sort()</a></b><br />
See how to harness the sort method of JavaScript to sort an array alphabetically, numerically, or even shuffle the array elements.



Silahkan ganti Link dan deskripsi anda.
sumber: javascriptkit

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Catatan :

Untuk menyisipkan gambar kedalam komentar, gunakan tag : [img]URL_Gambar[/img]
atau <i rel="image">URL_Gambar</i>
Untuk Video Youtube : [youtube]URL_Video[/youtube]
atau <i rel="youtube">URL_Video</i>
Untuk "Kutipan", gunakan : [blockquote]Kutipan_Anda[/blockquote]
atau <b rel="quote">Kutipan_Anda</b>
Untuk menyisipkan Kode: [code]KODE[/code]
atau <i rel="code">KODE</i>
atau <i rel="pre">KODE</i>
Dan untuk menyisipkan smiles/ emoticon, lihat kode Emoticon


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